Design Thinking — is that all?

Anders W Tell
2 min readAug 8, 2022


There is a debate raging about whether design thinking is the same as design. A quick overview of the field reveals quite a few popular design and service thinking approaches that to a degree are similar. They all present a graphical overview of a simple method with 5–8 steps including problem finding and solution creation.

But is that all there is? Is the design so streamlined or is it more behind the surface?

Experienced designers, design researchers, and proponents of related approaches such as creative problem solving, innovation, and change-making point to many more features of the design missing from the popular brands of design thinking. There is also Designerly Thinking.

How can we address this topic without ending in a squabble and corporate warfare?

“In-front of the Curtain vs. Behind the curtain”

The “In-front of the Curtain vs. Behind the curtain” is a metaphor from Interweaving that aims to address this topic.

The idea is simple, a method or approach is constructed from a combination of knowledge and method parts.
In this case, one could imagine the sum of design ways and means as a designerly thinking method base, from which situated methods can be constructed for particular audiences and purposes.

Master designers use their extensive knowledge base and experiences when deciding what to do next (meta design).
While inexperienced designers, companies, and students can pick one prefabricated approach.

With the “In-front of the Curtain vs. Behind the curtain” metaphor, the debate can shift to a discussion about what methods part are suitable for a particular design effort.

Food for thoughts.

#interweaving #designthinking #designerlythinking #design #businessdesign



Anders W Tell
Anders W Tell

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